Colonization of All Countries & the Role of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank for Global Rule

We did not pen this article but it is very informative nonetheless, read the original article and what will do is supplement and highlight what we feel are high points and things that you – the people should take heed of. We have not substantiated any of this with background research and we do not intend to at this moment, so any other info. you have will be greatly appreciated in the Comments section.

“Fifty years before the WTO was even created, the World Bank the International Monetary Fund (IMF) began designing a global economy that puts the interests of corporations before the interests of people and the planet. In many ways these two institutions are the architects of corporate globalization-their free-market, export-driven policies spawned the WTO. To fully understand how the global economy works, and whose interests it ultimately serves, it’s necessary to know how these very powerful and secretive institutions operate.”

The World Bank and IMF were created near the end of World War 1I by the US and British governments. (FYI – Colonialists Powers)

“The IMF was established to …. lend to countries experiencing temporary cash-flow problems so they could continue trading without interruption.” Read it for Yourself on the IMF Website

– “The IMF says it has canceled Haiti‘s $268 million debt and will lend the earthquake-devastated country another $60 million to help it with reconstruction plans.” ARTICLE

– “IMF Gives $164 Million to Coup Government in Honduras, Following Familiar Pattern” ARTICLE

-“The IMF approved a $1.4 billion loan to Angola on November 23 to help sub-Saharan Africa’s third largest economy combat the adverse effects of the global economic crisis.” ARTICLE

-“IMF Lends Ethiopia $50 Million to Help Absorb Price Shocks” ARTICLE

– “In March 2010, India invested $10 billion from RBI’s reserves into buying IMF notes, a huge leap from years of indebtedness. Over the next few weeks, the Cabinet is set to clear another $4 billion towards the same.  Former finance secretary K P Geethakrishnan calls it a “very big psychological boost”. India’s representative at the IMF in the 1990s, he says: “A lot needs to change for a substantive shift, but we were on bended knees when we went to the IMF for a loan in 1989-90.”  Basically India loaned the IMF money, pretty cool huh? ARTICLE The article trys to downplay the situation but we are sure that if it were a report of Indian descent or SouthEast Asian descent instead of european then the article would have a much more positive and powerful tone!

– “The International Monetary Fund approved a $119 million loan to Ghana to help support the economy, while warning that the government must rein in public spending.” ARTICLE

– ” IMF lends $2.5bn to Sri Lanka despite concerns for Tamil refugees.” ARTICLE

– ” IMF lends Iceland 160-million-dollar to tackle crisis.” ARTICLE

– ” Greg Palast Tells How The IMF Set-Up Iceland & Greece on Alex Jones Tv” Greg also talks about how the creator of the Euro, created the EURO to control other European countries currency (like Greece) ARTICLE

We boldfaced every country to show you something. Since a majority of the world is inhabited by people with melanin, this statement is true – People of Color all over the world in these various countries owe money to europeans. It appears that the IMF is making our countries dependent on them for every like problem they encounter, the IMF will not allow any of these countries to exist self sufficiently. We were going to just stated that all of the countries are places of color but that is not true, thus the reason why we added Iceland and Greece to the mix. BUT these countries are still not European…..

What would happen if every country was beyond financial monitoring and control by the IMF and self sufficient?

What role do tthe IMF and World Bank play now?

TheWorld Bank and the IMF are the world’s largest public lenders.

What you do not see from the news media and the IMF website, the strong arming and the abuse of financial power: Read all of this and educate yourself and open you eyes, particularly your third eye.

“To really understand how these institutions work, think of them as the world’s biggest loan sharks. When the Bank and IMF lend money to debtor countries, the money comes with strings attached. The strings come in the form of policy prescriptions that are usually referred to as “structural adjustment. ”

What is Structural Adjustment?

Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs) restructure a country’s economy to ensure that its debts are repaid. SAPs require that debtor governments open their economies to penetration by foreign corporations, allowing access to the workers and natural resources of the country at bargain basement prices.

Among other things, Structural Adjustment Policies generally require a country to:

* slash government spending, which usually means cutbacks for health care, education, child care, and environmental protection;

* attract foreign investment by removing tariffs and weakening labor laws and environmental protections;

* sell off publicly owned assets such as mines, mills, forests, telephone, water and electricity companies-a process known as ~privatization”;

* focus resources on growing export crops for industrial countries, rather than supporting family farms and growing organic food for local consumption; and

* devalue the currency to promote exports.

Sometimes structural adjustment prescriptions include ending government subsidies on heating oil, gasoline and basic food items such as bread or rice, which raises the cost of living for poor people. In Haiti, the World Bank went so far as to oppose increasing the minimum wage-this in a country where more than 70% of the population lives on less than $1 a day.

The Bank and the IMF say these policies are necessary market reforms. In fact, they are poison pills for the poor majority in debtor countries. The record shows these policies to be a dismal failure: Real growth has been slow and poverty has increased.

Many grassroots groups in the Third World talk about the ‘recolonization’ of their countries as they steadily lose control over their own land, factories and services. As Martin Khor of the Third World Network explains: “Structural adjustment is a policy to continue colonial trade and economic patterns developed during the colonial period, but which the Northern powers want to continue in the post-colonial period. The World Bank and the IMF are playing the role that our ex-colonial masters used to play.”

Basically it sounds as if the loan sharks get to play in your playground if they lent you money to buy the playground. Do for self!

Who Runs the IMF and WB? And how is the vote delegated?

…voting power at the World Bank and IMF is determined by the level of a nation’s financial contribution. Therefore, the United States has roughly 17% of the vote, with the seven largest industrialized countries (G-7) holding a total of 45% of the votes.

Because of the scale of its contribution, the United States has always had a dominant voice and has at all times exercised an effective veto. At the same time, developing countries have relatively little power within the institution.

Furthermore, the President of the World Bank is by tradition an American, and the IMF President is a European; the developing world has no say about who will run these institutions.”

Environmental Woes

How have the Bank and the Fund affected the environment?

These institutions have a terrible record of environmental destruction. From a hydroelectric dam in India that displaced thousands of people to road-building and agricultural colonization in the Brazilian Amazon, the Bank’s history has been characterized by misguided and massive development debacles-debacles that continue today despite the objections of environmental groups around the world.

The Bank’s proposal to support a 600-mile pipe

line that will carry oil from Chad to the coast of Cameroon is a perfect example of the Bank’s disregard for environmental concerns. The massive oil development project will pass through or close to important ecological areas that are home to indigenous tribes and endangered species. Even if the best available technology were adopted, 2,000 gallons a day could leak without being detected. Equally disturbing, the oil companies planning the project-Shell and Exxon-each have terrible environmental records. In 1997, the Wall Street Journal reported Exxon’s chairman as advising developing countries to avoid environmental controls if they wanted to secure foreign investment.

What do the Bank and the Fund have to do with sweatshops?

IMF and World Bank policies encourage countries to center their economic development strategies around production for export to the developed world. These policies typically include encouraging countries to keep wages low and unions out of the workplace, so as to ensure the cheapest exports possible. The kind of production encouraged is often based on imported inputs and dependent on foreign investment.”

Always look at the big picture. Before colonization ever country had their own culture and currency but since foreign meddling, death, destruction, rape and pillaging – europeans are trying to impose their will everywhere with blatant disregard for others.

Take this as a lesson to be happy with what you have and own your own.


Original Article

Jamaica – I Hate Me, So I Hate You [JCF kills citizen in cold blood]

The Monsters

In the Buckfield, Saint Ann area this past Friday on July the  30th a fellow Jamaican was killed by his brothers, sans an occupational affiliations and the sort.

Once the occupational affiliations are applied, the brother was killed by three police officers that looked just like him – they could have been family in fact technically the hueman race is all family.

The Savior

“The three policemen have been arrested based on instructions from Police Commissioner Owen Ellington, but that has not quieted the voices crying shame since the airing of the videotape recorded by a private citizen.” [SOURCE]

“Samuda (Head of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce; sidenote:howdideuropeanculturegetsoengrainedinoursocietywehadourownversionofthechamberofcommercelongago) urged law-abiding policemen and women to play their part in weeding out those who would act illegally and bring the force into disrepute while imperilling the safety and life of citizens. He said the action of the person who recorded the video exemplifies the type of responsibility that citizens must display in safeguarding their rights and the rights of others.” [SOURCE]

The Attempted CoverUp/Lie

“The policemen claimed that they had gone to Buckfield in search of Ian Lloyd who had fatally stabbed Loveta Wilson. According to the police, while they were trying to apprehend Lloyd, he attacked them with stones and bottles, injuring four members of the party.

It was further reported that Lloyd stabbed at one of the cops and was fatally shot.

But the amateur video clearly shows Lloyd on the ground being beaten by the cops before he was shot. [SOURCE] Aren’t police officers trained to deal with crazy citizens? Why kill everyone that hits you – we are sure it is tough to practice restraint but that is their job!!

The People

We wanted to call to your attention some very insightful comments left on Jamaica Gleaner’s website

“This type of police murder is nothing new. They just got caught on tape this time. The 76 people killed in Tivoli should have sounded the alarm, but then again the life of the poor in Jamaica is of no value.

“This is proof of what people of the inner city communities have ben complaining about for a long time. Kentucky did the very same thing and those cops are still on the loose.
See the video involving Kentucky Kid and his wife at… – video at end of page. No one has yet been charged for this unlawful killing.”

“Why is no one mentioning or expressing outrage that the citizens of the community, during the beating and when he was shot, encouraged and egged on the police officers. This statement is in no way to diminish or play light, or excuse the horrid behaviour of the police, but we should also be outraged about the behaviour of the citizens.”

The Virus

We hypothesize that Self Hatred is the true culprit behind this and so many other murders in Jah-Maica. Why? Because if someone loved who they were inside then they would love all others surrounding them. Why the hell could they not just accept responsibility

Even in this scenario the officer was in the wrong, now if the JCF (which was oddly enough created in 1716, while Jamaica was under colonialist rule – and it seems that those same self hating values remain in their ranks) can cover up murder would it not be easier for them to cover up running a traffic light? This brother lost his life and his wife lost her happy family and her child lost their daddy because OF A DAMN STOP LIGHT!

There is no rationale for harassing someone because you made a mistake. YOU – woman or man up and admit to your fault and pay the price. That accident would have affected the individual and their record no more no less. So why go to extreme lengths to try and bully someone because they believe in justice and have love in their heart – like the community said about “Machine Man” who was killed by the JCF also.

Self hatred is real amongst all peoples but it is most prevalent some would say in areas where people with melanin reside. Why? Because of past and present colonization – when the oppressor treats those that look like themselves great and all others like fecal matter. Then the victim begins to hate the skin they are in, their features, so forth and so on. That oppressor is the european race or albino race and that victim is anybody else with melanin. You can break the cycle with a strong upbringing because it allows you to recognize your ignorance and that of others.

The Proof

Here read a few excerpts from articles all over the web about the ills of Self-Hatred:


“If you do not want to be asociated with anything that may lead some one to associate you with Black people or being Black then you may be suffering from self-hatred”.

Why is there so much Black self hatred

“The national media’s distorted portrayal of Black America that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality is more than just biased media reports. They function as media manipulation psychosocial programs. It is a covert system of control that ensures the continuance of white dominance by ensuring that Blacks remain the most racially devalued and most economically exploited group in America.

The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with throughout the media is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is a program designed to break down African Americans’ sense of Black racial heritage, allegiance and unity by subjecting them to seeing only the fraudulent worst in themselves while implying that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites.”

Self-hatred leads to skin bleaching

“When you are lighter, people pay more attention to you. It makes you more important and the rich men find you attractive,” the sentiments of an Accra-based woman with light skin and dark knuckles.

Yet, the self-hate phenomenon of skin-bleaching is not limited to black women alone. The music fans of men like Michael Jackson and the famous Lumba Brothers, Charles Kwadwo Fosu (Daddy Lumba) and Nana Acheampong, have seen the skin of the stars go lighter and lighter with every album hit. Through multiple surgeries, Michael Jackson has arguably become transracial.

Bleaching is often attributed to extreme low self-esteem, and a misplaced desire to be better appreciated. But, there is a growing repugnance within black communities worldwide against bleaching.”

Sosa is symptomatic of global self-hatred

“Funny, how scientific evidence pointing to the fact that every human on the planet is descended from an African, is dismissed, or ignored by the majority of humans. Sadly, self-hatred is universal. Africans, too, are willing to risk their health for lighter skin. Skin cancers and infections are prevalent in communities in Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria where women who refuse to bleach themselves are considered pariahs. While a few of the most dangerous bleaching products have been banned in some African countries, dangerous skin lightening rituals continue, including the use of overly concentrated hydroquinone creams and soaps which prohibit the production of melanin in the skin. Some of the products boldly labeled as “skin whiteners,” in European, Asian, South American and African countries, are also sold in America with more politically correct descriptions. Such potions here are called skin “lighteners,” “brighteners,” “correctors,” “toners,” or “eveners.”

Afro Latino – The Thin Line Between Self Love and Self Hate

“As I got older and began to research the history of the Dominican Republic and later Latin America, I learned about our African heritage. However, many of us would rather cling to our European fathers and neglect our African mothers. For quite a few of us, we go through our bouts of self hatred.  I have relatives who complain about bad hair. I know women who spend hours at the beauty salon straightening or dyeing their hair. I have encountered women of African descent who have traveled to places like the Dominican Republic with their hair natural and fully blown out. They have recounted stories of being harassed and people actually putting combs in their hair! I know men who have been shunned by women they adored because of their skin color. I remember watching an interview with Sammy Sosa where he explained that he was Taino and made no mention of his African Heritage. While watching “Soy Boricua!,” a documentary directed by Rosie Perez, she made numerous references to Tainos and only a passing glance to Africans brought to the island.”

Lissa Jones on African Americans and self-hate

“I don’t know about you, but I am tired of being powerless,” she said as hands clapped and praise was shouted in emphatic agreement. “Black people are trapped inside the prisons of self-hate and self-destruction and nobody is talking about it.”

African Americans Display Unconscious Self Loathing

“This is an unfortuate occurance that has emerged as a result of the propaganda started by racist slave masters. THe fact that it still impacts society today is disgusting. African Americans need to come together as a race to stop the internal strife strarted during slavery; we have to overcome these obstacles in order to move forward and to improve.”

Haterology 101: The Expression of Self Hqate in African Americans by Khalif ‘Ras’ Williams

Whose Reflection is that in the Mirror?

“Black self-hatred, like any type of self-hatred is deadly serious!  It’s not something for which one can fairly despise a character, particularly one so generous-hearted and full of love as Michael Jackson.  It comes in many different extremes and the way with which it is dealt depends on the tools and skills we have at our disposal.  Doubtlessly, it needs to be tackled: not with barefaced, self-righteous and hurtful criticism, but by exploring and later dismantling the factors that cause it.”

SELF-HATE?? Is This Brother The Reason Why Sistas Get Perms (Response To Good Hair Movie)

“I can comment on this video for hour about the pro’s and con’s of what you said but I’m just going to make it simple. Black people were not created in that image. The whole reason you think that long hair is beautiful is because you have been brain washed by the white man to think so. I can say SO MUCH MORE but like you were saying, I’ll choose not to.”


Families Against State Terrrorism Leader Yvonne McCalla-Sobers [MUCH RESPECT!]

Jamaican News

Original News Article

Dominica – A Wise Dominican once said “When you eat from the devil’s table, be cautious.” [also featuring basketball]

Dominica ten million dollar deal

Be Careful with whom you borrow money from!

Money was a societal construct designed to enslave – some say that it has no value lest the value placed upon it by people. You see cotton and linen and dyes make up money – that being said if it is so damned important to you, why are you not growing cotton.

Earlier today the European Investment Bank (EIB) agreed to provide a USD 10 million line of credit to the Dominica Agricultural, Industrial and Development Bank (AID Bank) to ensure continued availability of public and private sector finance during the financial crisis. [SOURCE]

Blood Money and/or Old Slave Profits

Most of our people used the barter system, which promoted equality and satisfied the base needs of the community. We said that to say this, if you konw europ ee ans assaulted, raped, pillaged, terrorized, killed and so much worse your people be them in any country but in this case in the Dominica WHY WOULD YOU ACCEPT MONEY FROM THEIR BANKS? Why go into debt with what some would call your enemy — put yourself in the situation via the conversation (we like saying that) Would you do business with someone that hated you and killed your family and worse? NOOOOO!!! Would you be in debt to them and borrow money? NOOOOOO!

The European Investment Bank’s line of credit will promote growth, employment, competitiveness and economic diversification on the island of Dominica. Projects in the manufacturing, industrial, agricultural, energy, health, education and tourism sectors will benefit from easier access to finance. [SOURCE]


The Great Sammy Sosa

Thank you for restoring your powerful and original skin color.

What throws us is that in many places in the world for people of melanin efficiency $10,000,000 is easily comparable to $1.00 So why did the dominica not reach out to those fellow dominicans like Sammy Sosa (who has his skin color back now) or Pepín Corripio amongst others. They could have at least donated twenty percent with a lesser interest rate and MORE UNDERSTANDING than the europee on bank.


Let this be a lesson never do a deal with a snake – and if you do, do not be surprised when you are bitten.


Nubian News Network – Dominica

Original Article